How Virtual RAM Works

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Now-a-days whatever new smartphones are being launched. In them you are being given the option of Virtual RAM. Which different smartphone brands give different names like – Extended RAM, RAM Booster or Dynamic RAM expansion. In such a situation, the user does not understand what it is. We will all know the answers to many questions related to this in today’s article.

What is Virtual RAM

This is about the virtual RAM. How it works and how to use it.

Before understanding Virtual RAM, we have to understand the concept of RAM. The concept of RAM is very simple. This is a volatile storage means when you open an app. So a process starts, which happens in this storage. When you close the app, this storage becomes empty. This is a physical storage.

Virtual RAM is not a physical RAM. This is a kind of software feature that temporarily opens the app using the storage of the smartphone. When you close the app, this temporary Virtual RAM is closed.

How Virtual RAM works

Brands already reserve some part of your smartphone’s storage. Whenever you need extra RAM, the files of the app are read in this storage. This is how you get temporary extended RAM.

This Virtual RAM is not always active. When you use multiple apps in the background at the same time and the physical RAM is getting used up, then it is activated. With this you get lag free performance and you can use more apps.

How Virtual RAM is Different from physical RAM

Physical RAM is a high-speed storage. In which there is fast read and write. Due to which the apps load quickly. If the speed of RAM is less then the apps will not load quickly and you will get to see the lag while using it. At the same time, Virtual RAM temporarily uses the storage of the ROM of the smartphone. Its read and write is slower than Physical RAM. Due to which its performance is less than Physical RAM.

This Virtual RAM is not always active. When Physical RAM is being used in full and there is no space in RAM to perform the task. Then Virtual RAM becomes active. So that you do not get a decrease in performance.

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Pros of Virtual RAM

  • It helps in multitasking
  • Lag is not seen in gaming
  • Helps to run heavy apps
  • It gives extra RAM at a low price

Cons Of Virtual RAM

  • It is slower than Physical RAM
  • Apps do not load quickly
  • Does not give stable performance

About Ajay Thakur

Hey there! I'm a tech geek running, where I dive into gadget reviews, smartphone hacks, and the coolest tech tips. If you're as obsessed with tech as I am, let's connect and explore the future together

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